Submission Forms & Templates

This page houses IRB submission forms and templates that should be used for submissions to the UNM IRB.  Forms are IRB application documents and Templates are sample documents, such as the protocol, consent forms and recruitment materials that provide standardized language as well as help text for researchers.

File NameDocument DescriptionCategoryVersion Date
Drug Information FormProvide information related to use of an investigational drugForms06/01/2021
Consent Form - Additional ElementsAdditional elements that may be required in the consent form (e.g. Certificate of Confidentiality, HIPAA, tDCS, EEG, specimen collection, injury language, mTurk requirements, etc.)Templates10/21/2019
Device Information FormProvide information related to use of an investigational deviceForms01/21/2020
Consent Form - Survey/Interview/Focus GroupSimplified informed consent templateTemplates01/10/2025
Consent Form - StandardInformed Consent TemplateTemplates01/21/2019
Department of Defense Information FormForm to ensure research includes all DoD requirementsForms10/01/2018
Request for External IRB ReviewRequest for deferral of oversight to external IRBForms05/23/2022
PI Eligibility Request FormRequest an exception to PI Eligibility policyForms02/04/2018
Personnel List External List active research team members and associated roleForms05/23/2022
Individual Investigator AgreementFor External Partner PIs whose institution does not have an FWA Forms10/16/2017
Event ReportProvide information related to adverse event or unanticipated problem Forms08/04/2017
Deferred Projects Annual ReportProvide status update of project deferred to external IRBForms08/04/2017
HIPAA Waiver RequestRequest a waiver of HIPAA AuthorizationForms06/12/2017
Scientific Validity Review FormProvide documentation of review of scientific validityForms04/24/2017
Recruitment ScriptSample recruitment scriptTemplates07/05/2016
Recruitment EmailSample recruitment emailTemplates07/05/2016
Recruitment Flyer 3Recruitment flyer in a poster styleTemplates07/05/2016
Recruitment Flyer 2Another recruitment flyer with pull tabs; different styleTemplates07/05/2016
Recruitment Flyer 1Sample recruitment flyer with pull tabsTemplates07/05/2016
HIPAA AuthorizationSeparate HIPAA Authorization for use of PHI through covered entitiesTemplates04/29/2016
Translation Certification FormCertify the qualifications of the translator used for research documentsForms12/02/2015
Child Assent FormGenerally for use with youth ages 7-11.Templates09/28/2015
Protocol Deviations ReportProvide information on protocol deviations that occurred since last reviewForms09/16/2015
Protocol Deviations ReportProvide information on protocol deviations that occurred since last reviewForms09/16/2015
ProtocolResearch Protocol TemplateTemplates06/01/2022
Closure Application Provide information about the project being closedForms06/24/2022