Training & Education

Required Training for Human Researchers

CITI: Main Campus Researchers

The UNM IRB subscribes to the CITI program for human research protections training. All researchers (individuals who are interacting or intervening with participants or who are accessing private, identifiable information or biospecimens) are required to complete the CITI training course prior to engaging in a human research under the oversight of the UNM IRB. The training is valid for three years from the date of completion of a majority of modules. It is the responsibility of the researcher to complete and maintain this training requirement and provide a copy of the completion report (listing all modules) to the Principal Investigator and/or IRB upon request.

Instructions on how to complete the required training and print the completion report.

Affiliate with University of New Mexico, Main Campus. When choosing a course, choose the "Main Campus Researchers" as your learning group. All other CITI courses (e.g. Responsible Conduct of Research, Institutional Official) are optional and do not meet the requirement for human research protections/IRB training.

Note: If you are from another institution and have completed a different human research protections training course, please contact the OIRB to see if it can be accepted.

Other Educational Opportunities


You can schedule a consultation with an IRB Analyst for assistance with your project.  OIRB staff can help you determine if an IRB application needs to be submitted, understand how regulations apply to your project or activity, and answer specific questions about your IRB application. We recommend you have your documents available (protocol, application, consent form, etc.) on a laptop or USB flash drive. Schedule a consult.

OIRB Workshops

The UNM Office of Institutional Review Board (OIRB) provides training workshops throughout the year to provide researchers with an overview of the IRB submission process. The workshops are designed to help faculty and students understand the IRB review process and submit concise IRB applications. See Events for a schedule of upcoming workshops. To register for a workshop, email with the name and date of the scheduled workshop. Currently, there are four workshops in the series:

  • IRB Regulations & Policies – An overview of the ethics, regulations, and UNM policies that apply to your research
  • Navigating the IRB Process & Common Mistakes - What is needed for an IRB submission & how to avoid common mistakes
  • IRB Protocol & Consent - How to write the perfect protocol and consent form
  • Submission Documents & Forms - What forms do I need? Where do I find them? How do I submit them?  Review required IRB forms, the IRB website and the IRBNet submission database

Online Trainings

Training videos on various topics are available online.

Class or Faculty Meeting Outreach

Invite an OIRB staff to your meeting, class, or other gathering and we will prepare a presentation specific to your needs. Typically outreach presentations last 60 minutes, including time for question and answer. To schedule an outreach event, email the OIRB.

University-wide Research Training Opportunities

CITI: Responsible Conduct of Research

Although not required for an IRB submission, researchers are able to complete a Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training course through CITI. The format will be similar to the Human Subjects Protections course, but will cover topics like authorship, plagiarism, mentoring, etc. If interested, add the CITI Responsible Conduct of Research Course in addition to the required Main Campus Researchers course to your course listing.

Academic Integrity and Research Ethics (AIRE) Program

Academic Integrity & Research Ethics (AIRE) is a campus-wide service housed in Graduate Studies and supported by the Provost's Office and the Office of the Vice President for Research. They provide university-wide services for the community of scholars in research ethics and academic integrity supporting the university’s ongoing reputation as an institution of research excellence. Driven by UNM’s Scientific Integrity Plan (SIP), AIRE promotes standards and informed pedagogy for instruction of RCR. In addition to fostering a community of integrity, AIRE program RCR instruction complies with regulations of the National Science Foundation (NSF), National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA), and other agencies who support, promote, or require research ethics education as part of their funding requirements.

Professional & Academic Workshop

PAW (Professional & Academic Workshop) is a campus-wide consortium of student support organizations who offer workshops and/or speaker series for the benefit and improved success of students. Although workshops are generally tailored to the needs of graduate students, in most cases all students, faculty, and staff are welcome to attend. Our PAWt-ners work together to assess workshops, provide certificates of completion, and coordinate marketing. PAW offers a series of non-transcripted certificates which students can earn by attending designated workshops.

Grant Management Trainings

This training is for researchers seeking funding and covers grants & contracts from cradle to grave and must be completed every 3 years. This online training is available in Learning Central.

Good Clinical Practice for Social, Behavioral, and Educational Research

NIH requires good clinical practice (GCP) training for any NIH funded researcher conducting a clinical trial. GCP is an international standard for ethical and scientific design and conduct of clinical trials that serves to protect the rights and welfare of trial participants. NIH has developed a SBR GCP training and it is available through Learning Central with course title "NIH GOOD CLINICAL PRACTICE FOR SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL RESEARCH – ELEARNING COURSE."  You may also attend comprehensive, in-person GCP training offered by the UNM Health Sciences Center by contacting Regis Lacher at